Hey Kids!
Are you bored at home and want something fun to do?Learn Basic Computer Programming Principles using Hour of Code with Arnav!
- Level: Beginners (Grades 3-5) – April 18-19, 25 (Remote 1 Hr Sessions)
2:00pm – 3:00pm
- Level: Intermediate (Grades 6-7) – May 2-3, May 9 (Remote 1 Hr Sessions)
2:00pm – 3:00pm
- Access to a computer (preferably not school-issued laptop)
- Scratch Account (www.scratch.mit.edu)
- Tutorial on setting up account: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqiDQGP4oX0
- Ability to video call on laptop (Webcam and Microphone)
- Decent Internet Connectivity
[expand title=”About Arnav” targtag=”strong”]
- I am a 17 year-old junior at Waubonsie Valley High School in Aurora, IL
- Interests and Achievements
- Varsity Captain of Scholastic Bowl Team, took my team to win Regionals, nominated as an All-Sectional PLayer in the State
- Math Team – represented school on the State Level and have gotten 1st place in regional competitions
- Science Olympiad – placed 2nd in regional competitions
- Business Professionals of America – placed 6th in the State in Personal Financial Management
- Programming Languages: Python, HTML
- Work as a tutor at Eye Level Learning Center
- In my free time, I like to play Piano and Clarinet, learn card magic tricks and read
