I have been living in Chicago since 1990 and have been an active member of Maharashtra Mandal Chicago (MMC) since then. During this time, I served as a BOD in several committees, volunteered at the 2011 BMM Chicago convention and in the 2019 Golden Jubilee celebration.
In addition, I was a volunteer and Board Member of the Grayslake Hindu Temple for almost 10 years.
I am honored to have been selected as the Vice President for MMC 2025, and I am very excited to contribute to the growth of our community and culture
महाराष्ट्र मंडळ शिकागोशी २०१६ सालापासून सदस्य आहे.
सुरवातीला काही वर्ष केवळ कार्यक्रम बघायला येणे ते २०१८ पासून कार्यक्रमात सहभाग घेणे आणि मग २०२१ सालापासून कमिटी मधे येऊन अध्यात्मपीठ, भजन सेवा, योगसाधना , डान्स टीम, ढोल ताशा, decoration team, food team अश्या अनेक उपक्रमात सहभागी होऊन मंडळात कार्यरत आहे.
ह्या वर्षी मंडळाच्या उपाध्यक्षपदी राहून मराठी भाषा व संस्कृती इथे राहणाऱ्या महाराष्ट्रीय समाजापर्यंत पोहोचवण्याचा मानस आहे.
I have been living in Chicago since 2020 and have had the pleasure of being an active member of Maharashtra Mandal Chicago (MMC) for the past four years. During this time, I have assisted the MMC Stage and Props team for several years and volunteered with the Food (Annapurna) team, as well as various MMC events. This year, I am honored to have been elected as the Secretary for MMC 2025, and I am very excited to contribute in more areas and help our community grow.
मी २०१३ पासून शिकागोचा रहिवासी आहे . महाराष्ट्र मंडळ शिकागोचा २०१५ पासून सदस्य आहे. मागील काही वर्ष स्टेज टीम, IT टीम आणि फूड टीम मध्ये सक्रिय सहभाग घेतला आहे. शिकागो मराठी शाळेसाठीही मी IT टीम मध्ये काम केले आहे.
मी या वर्षी मंडळाच्या कार्यकारिणी मध्ये सहभागी होऊन IT टीम व स्टेज टीम ची धुरा सांभाळत आहे व त्याद्वारे अधिकाधिक मराठी लोकांना मंडळाशी जोडण्याचा माझा प्रयत्न राहील.
2013 पासून शिकागोची रहिवासी आहे. 2020 पासून महाराष्ट्र मंडळ शिकागो मध्ये स्वयंसेवक म्हणून कार्यरत आहे. २०२४ मध्ये मंडळाच्या कार्यकारिणीची सदस्य होते. तसेच महाराष्ट्र मंडळाच्या साहित्य कट्टा, बोलका कट्टा, अध्यात्मपीठ, आम्ही सारे गवय्ये, माझा News इ. साठी आयोजक म्हणून काम पाहिले आहे.
मराठी शाळेत 3 वर्षे शिक्षक होते. तसेच ढोल-ताशा, Food team, Stage Team, डान्स team, रचना मासीक, इत्यादींमध्ये सक्रीय आहे. ह्या वर्षी देखील मराठी साहित्य आणी संस्कृतीचे प्रेम वृद्धिंगत करण्यासाठी प्रयत्नशील राहीन.
I have been a MMC member since 2021. This year I have the responsibility of the YOUTH group/team. We are looking forward to and encouraging youth participation in various activities online as well as in various programms. We have already started Atharvshirsh pathan every Sankashti of the month. We want youth to have a close connection with Maharashtrian personalities, traditions and culture. Today's young generation will be representing Maharashtra Mandal in future.
MMC 2025 ची एक BOD आहे. मी मंडळाच्या परंपरा टीम ची धुरा सांभाळत आहे. आपण वर्षभर साजऱ्या करणाऱ्या कार्यक्रमामध्ये आपल्या मराठी परंपरा गुंफण्याच काम आमचा चमू करणार आहे. तसेच आपल्या "परंपरा" ह्या व्हाट्सअँप ग्रुप मध्ये आपण ह्या परंपरांचं महत्व, उगम आणि आताच्या काळात आपण त्या कश्या सांभाळू शकतो जेणे करून आपण हा सुंदर वारसा आपल्या पुढच्या पिढीला देऊ शकू हे एकमेकांशी मारलेल्या गप्पांमधून जाणून घेणार आहोत! त्यासाठी आपल्या सगळ्यांचा सक्रिय सहभाग प्रार्थनीय आहे! लवकरच भेटूयात मंडळाच्या कार्यक्रमांमध्ये....
One of EC members from MMC 2025. I have been an active volunteer in our Maharashtra Mandal Chicago since 2014. I have contributed to the food team for our in person programs as well for Angat Pangat and parampara videos, Dhol tasha team, dance team.
I look forward to the fabulous year 2025 with our vibrant and enthusiastic Marathi community.
Chicago resident for 18+ years, bibliophile and history buff.
Leadership & Initiatives:
- Member, MMC EC 2023 & 2025
- Secretary, MMC EC 2022
- Concept & Leader, CSM 350 – Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Monument in Chicago (Come and join the ongoing movement)
- Concept & Admin, MMC Itihas Manch (2021 - Present)
- Admin, MMC Adhyatma Peeth (2021)
- Editor, MMC Rachana Magazine (2019)
Education & Arts:
- Teacher/Volunteer, MMC Chicago Marathi Shala (2017 - 2023)
- Directed, wrote, acted in, and coordinated theater plays & cultural programs
Commitment: Dedicated to preserving our incredible Indian heritage and building a strong Marathi community.
I have been actively volunteering since 2020.Over the past few years,I have consistently volunteered in different teams like Decoration, Food,Dhol Tasha and Dance.This year I’m leading the Decoration team with a promise to showcase the best of creative minds. Looking forward to having a fantastic year.
I have been living in Chicago since 2015 and an active member of Maharashtra Mandal Chicago for the past four years. I had the opportunity to serve in the MMC Stage and Props team, Decoration and YOUTH Team. This year I am excited to contribute to the MMC Flyers team ,Stage Team and help the community grow.
I have been a Chicago resident for the past five years, actively participating as a volunteer in various events and projects organized by Mandal. In addition to my passion for pickleball and music, I enjoy dramatics and reading. I look forward to making new friends and helping to expand Mandal's reach among the Maharashtrian community in the Chicagoland area.