२०१९ हे मंडळाचे सुवर्णमहोत्सवी वर्ष आहे. या वर्षी आयोजित करण्यात येणारे सर्वच कार्यक्रम मोठ्या प्रमाणावर आणि दिमाखात साजरे करण्यात येणार आहेत. या वर्षी रसिकांना उत्तमोत्तम गाजलेली नाटके तसेच संगीताच्या, मनोरंजनाच्या दर्जेदार कार्यक्रमांची लयलूट असणार आहे. तेव्हा आपण सर्वांनी एकत्र येऊन या सुवर्णमहोत्सवी वर्षाचे मोठ्या जल्लोषाने स्वागत करूया.
Details of Golden Jubilee Celebration:
Date: Oct 11 – 13 2019
Time: 09:00 AM to 09:00 PM
Venue: Hemmens Cultural Center, Elgin IL
Request for entries for Variety of Entertainment Programs
For the Golden Jubilee celebration of Maharashtra Mandal Chicago, we are planning to have two local programs – one will be a variety entertainment program that will consist of skits, dances, songs etc. and the second one will be a natak or ekaanikaa.
We are seeking proposals from all interested local groups that are interested in either or both programs. We want to accommodate maximum number of performers and therefore, each proposal needs to consist of multiple artists. Each proposal should identify the team leader, type of program, number of artists, duration and any special requirements.
Here are the guidelines for the Natak or Ekaankikaa proposal:
Ekaankikaa – Minimum length 40 minutes and Max length 80 minutes. Proposal should include the script and needs to identify any set & technical requirements
- Participants: Min 6 individuals with a mix of male and female participants. Age group: 11+
Natak – Minimum length 1 hour and 45 minutes and Max length 2 hours & 15 minutes. Proposal should include the script and needs to identify any set & technical requirements.
- Marathi Natak: folk / Musical/dance show / Farce/Travesty with potential (not mandatory) video clip back ground
- Participants: Min 15 individuals with a mix of male and female participants. Age group: 11+
Participation Requirements:
- Submission/proposal needs to be provided no later than April 14th 2019
- Following should be built, managed and transported by the group
- Costumes, props and stage backdrops
- Music and / Video track
- MMC will not reimburse expenses for music/video production, stage props, backdrops and costumes without prior approval of the GJC committee
- Name of each participant must be provided in advance of the performance day.
- Proposals received after April 14th 2019 will not be considered
- Each participant must be a registered member of Maharashtra Mandal Chicago
- Volunteers will be available on the day of the event to coordinate stage set up
Please submit your proposal by April 14th 2019 by email to gjc@mahamandalchicago.org. Programming committee will review all proposals and will notify the team leader of each selected proposal.