Namaskar Mandali,
MMC is aware of the concerns and uncertainty caused by the current health hazards of COVID-19 virus and is actively monitoring the situation. Due to this, MMC committee has proactively postponed the Sports Day and Gudi Padwa events to a future date.
Following points (not in any particular order) have been evaluated by the team to reach this decision:
· Community well-being, assuming COVID-19 outbreak affects this region
· Governor of Illinois’s call for not hosting public events with large participants
· Proactive measures by other large organizations to cancel events that involve large participation
· BMM’s postponement of the ‘Natyamohotsav’ tour of the plays that were scheduled for our Gudi Padva event
For everyone who has already registered for the Sports Day event, we are issuing full refunds and you should have received an email confirming this. We thank you for your interest and hope that you will join us for all our future events.
MMC Karyakarini 2020